Hi, I’m Kris McDaniel. This is my webpage. You probably knew that.
I keep it mostly plain text, because that’s how I roll.
I am currently a professor in the department of philosophy at the University of Notre Dame. My research areas are metaphysics, the history of philosophy, and ethics.
For an overview of my work, go here. You’ll get a good sense of the topics I have been working on recently.
Here is a link to my research page, which contains descriptions of and links to my published and forthcoming papers.
Here is a link to my CV, in which almost all my published or forthcoming papers can be downloaded.
Here is a link to my teaching page, which lists the classes I have taught, and briefly talks about future teaching plans.
If you are a fan of the 21st Century Monads, our main page is here.
I like haiku. Here are some philosophy ones I wrote.
By the way, Andy Cullison helped set this page up for me and registered the domain address. Check out his webpage as well: http://www.andrewcullison.com/ Be sure to check out his resources page: http://www.andrewcullison.com/resources/ Lots of good stuff there.